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Best of 2020

2020 was a long year. It started off strong - skiing, loving my new gym, going out with friends. And then, as it went for all of us, everything changed. I wish I had something unique to add to the mix of stories about 2020, but I don't. Once quarantine hit, my time was spent reading, half-heartedly trying to learn French, binging bad Netflix shows, and hanging out with friends in backyards until it got too cold to do that anymore.

The transition to working from home was fun for a little while! My roommate and I share our dining room table as our "office," and we laughed for the first couple weeks about going stir crazy and doing at-home workouts with canned vegetables. But somewhere amidst the endless zoom meetings and screen time, quarantine transitioned from being a much needed reminder to slow down into the nightmare we have all become overly acquainted with. The days started blending together and it became scary listening to our apartment neighbors cough through the walls. The "novel" coronavirus became not-so-novel, and the world felt lonely.

So looking back on 2020, all I can say is THANK GOODNESS I was still able to book sessions this year, and consequently meet some of my most amazing clients yet!! I shot more than I ever have before and I think my improvement over the year shows. After all this boring text at the beginning of blogs that people notoriously hate is a gallery of my favorite images from 2020.

....but before we get to the fun part of looking at pretty pictures, I want to call out a couple things:

  1. First, and most importantly, I will never be able to express enough gratitude to the people that believed in me and trusted me this year to do their photos. From those who put up with model sessions testing new locations to those who brought me to an entirely different city for their wedding days, your trust and the memories I made shooting with you are priceless.

  2. It feels really weird seeing an entire year of planning, catch-up meetings, shooting, editing, and delivering wrapped up into one small gallery of only *some* of my favorite images from *some* of the sessions I am allowed to share. You can ask my brother, who so wonderfully helped me select what would make the cut for this post, how hard it was to choose. There's just no way that a gallery of this type can ever sum up my connection to each session that I have... the late nights editing sneak peaks to deliver on the wedding night (does 3 AM still count as the wedding night?), tearing my hair out culling galleries because y'all are too freakin' beautiful to narrow down the images, the countless hours spent editing, the stressful moments after hitting "send" on your galleries and praying that you love them... I sure hope when you look at these, you can see the love I put into them.

  3. A lot of my weddings and events were obviously cancelled this year... so I just have one thing to say to all my brides and grooms patiently waiting: I'M FREAKING STOKED to celebrate with you in the future, hopefully soon and definitely safely!




Boulder Based Photographer


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© Elizabeth Bollendonk
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